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Frequently Asked Questions

Hows does your social enterprise work?

Our Eco-friendly Landscaping Social Enterprise provides the income to grow Ghostprint Eco-systems which takes Landscaping waste and turns it into carbon capturing fertilizer plus renewable energy, we also give back the remainder of our profits to helping those in need get access to our Ghostprint Technology

How do you choose the projects to help?

Projects are selected by need and willingness to adopt more sustainable practices.

How can our company contact GhostPrint?

Reach out to our email

Are you a incorporated non-profit?

Yes, we are a USA federally recognized non-profit and a Colorodo recognized non-profit organization under the environmental clause because all of our profits go into research and development on our zero waste environmentally friendly GhostPrint eco system

Do you have any plans of expanding?

Yes, we see GhostPrint technology growing on every corner and beyond